Flush Baseboard: A Perfect Compliment to Flush Outlets

Flush Baseboard Approaches and Details
Single-Layer Sheetrock Details:e We've broken down the flush baseboard detail into a few different groups based on how their installed. By far the most common installation is using a single layer of sheetrock above, with the base substituting for the wall enclosure at the bottom of the wall. Have a look at the two details below from BUILD Architects and Designers:

Now one can clearly see the flush baseboard is substituting for the Sheetrock in enclosing the walls. This is probably the most common method for installing this detail, and we've found the master Matt Risinger to have the best explanation. The video is in the post, but we've also broken it down into bullets for convenience.
- After framing, hang a level strip of plywood at the height of your baseboard + reveal (5 1/2" base + 1/2" reveal = top of plywood strip at 6" above finish floor level)
- Boardmen then hang sheetrock resting right on the strip all around the room
- After the rock is hung, remove the plywood strip and mud-in a J-bead (most recommend this product from Trimtex)
- Install flooring (and PROTECT IT!)
- Dado/Rabbet out the back of your base to accept the flange of the bead if required, then install base directly to the studs, scribing it to the floor as required
In subsequent videos, we've seen Matt provide plywood blocking behind the baseboard. This is a smart move, as it helps provide attachment points for the base, while also improving the S.T.C. (Sound Transmission Class) of the wall assembly. This is probably the biggest issue with the single-layer sheetrock style details: the sound transmission through the wall will be greater. This is due to two factors. First wood is not as effective as drywall in preventing sound transmission. Second, compared to an applied base wall, this wall assembly has a large joint between the drywall and base, which act like a conduit for sound passing from room to room.
Double-Layer Sheetrock Details: One doesn't see it featured much online, however double-layered Sheetrock installation is surprisingly common in high-end luxury homes. This is for multiple factors:
- Multiple layers give the wall a better S.T.C
- Multiple layers help prevent cracking of large expanses of decorative plasterwork
- Multiple layers simplify the installation of a flush baseboard
This is truly the superior detail, which is why the wealthy often opt to pay the extra money to have it installed as such.

- Tektrim (of no relation to yours truly)
- Fry Reglet Reveal Base
- Novorodapie Eclipse (available at home depot)
Flush Baseboard, Flush Outlet: Despite our team's undying enthusiasm about the flush baseboards, this blog post has been difficult to write. So many beautiful rooms, so many well-crafted interiors; yet, NONE with flush outlets in the base! All of this work and it feels like some stopped one step short of perfection! We know, we know...FLUSHTEK wasn't invented yet and Trufig or Bocci outlets cost a fortune; but it still hurts to see! Expanding on this theme, we've written an entire post dedicated to the design, legality, and installation of Baseboard Outlets. Other than that, we did want to end this post with some thoughts about Flush Baseboards in general.
- 1/2" reveal between base and sheetrock is TOO LARGE!
- We've seen this a lot in our research, and although it's still nice we really think it should be 3/8" maximum. This is part of the reason we chose Matt's video above. He built it well and did not settle for an oversized reveal.
- Utilize blocking between studs when possible to mitigate sound transfer between rooms
- Use FLUSHTEK to take your design to its highest potential. No applied base, no applied outlets; just beautiful smooth walls. The links below will show you the way!
- Check out this links from "Drywall Talk" to get a bit more information on how the Pros approach this detail

It caught my attention when you mentioned that adding a flush baseboard to our room can give the feeling of uncluttered calm and an air of simplified elegance, which is why it is a popular treatment in residential construction nowadays. I’m thinking of getting my bedroom at home in Calgary renovated after the winter holidays, so I was considering adding a baseboard in the room while I’m at it. I’ll keep this in mind while I look for services in Calgary to contact about baseboard moulding soon. https://norome.ca/baseboards/