Minimal Outlet Installations & Inspiration

Easy and Flexible: From Contractors to Do-it-Yourselfers
Design-Build Contracting: Design-Build contracting has almost become the de-facto method for home building and renovation. In this model, a client will go directly to the Contractor to work out a scheme, with the Contractor often being the building party. These types of relationships allow the Contractor to use their expertise effectively, to add value without adding cost. In the Brooklyn Townhouse Renovation featured below, we're seeing the Contractor use FLUSHTEK to do just that. He understood that Trufig or Bocci receptacles would be too expensive to install (see our Case Study Page), however with FLUSHTEK and a bit of quick thinking, the contractor found a great solution to integrate outlets for little-to-no extra cost. These were the steps:
- Run BX cable to the wall, leaving it long to tie into the eventual location
- Use the FLUSHTEK Template and some scrap plywood to build a quick wood box to lay into the brickwork.
- Grout the box into the brick assembly as the installation goes up
- Whitewash brickwork and wood box to create unified appearance
- Install white Lutron receptacle & faceplate flush in recess

Outlets in Brick are notoriously tricky (and ugly), but thanks to the GC's use of FLUSHTEK, the owner now gets to enjoy the benefits of a beautifully flush integrated outlet.
Do-it-Yourself Renovations: Our other in-progress install is from Northern Pennsylvania: an architect/owner is renovating his grandfather's farmhouse and has decided to use reclaimed pine for the bases & trim. The project is being done on a budget, and although the previous home had Baseboard Outlets, it was proving too costly to keep the detail with Trufig or pay a carpenter to do the fine work. Fortunately, FLUSHTEK provided the answer. Instead of paying someone to cut each instance individually, or struggle with cutting them out himself, the owner was able to utilize our template to guarantee perfect cuts throughout the house. His process is similar to above, but relevant and important enough to repeat.
- After the interior framing went up he identified the stud bays where outlets would go and had the electritian route Romex to those bays, leaving 18" to poke out from the sillplate
- The framer then installed the drywall throughout the house, leaving the extra Romex as pig-tails at the base of the wall.
- Our renovator measured and cut the baseboard and used the FLUSHTEK template to rout and per-install the Junction boxes. He then locally removed the drywall and fed the wire through the box. He installed the baseboard normally, using screws to anchor the base to the studs nearest the outlets.
- The Electrician then returned to install the outlets in the baseboard Junction Boxes normally.
PA Farmhouse Installation Progress (Unfortunately the painters were a little sloppy with the mockup...more photos to come)
Upgrade Your Outlets: The Team wanted to Highlight these two installations because they show both an inventive and a more typical approach to utilizing the FLUSHTEK System. Each project is different, but the intent of this system is to work well with most of them. See more about our system in the links below:
Can the flushtek system work for stone backsplashes? Do you have a video for it?
TRUFIG is wayyyy over our budget